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Our actions in Belgium

In Belgium, our local commitment is based on several solidarity initiatives aimed at helping the most vulnerable people, in particular the homeless and refugees. We believe that local action is just as important as international commitment.

Distribution of Meals and Food Parcels

Agir Ensemble, in partnership with Opération Thermos, Porte d'Ulysse and La Baraka ASBL, is committed to distributing hot meals to homeless people and people in precarious situations. Our volunteers come together several times a year to prepare and distribute these meals and collect food to put together packages for families in difficulty. It's not just food that we offer, but also moments of comfort and human warmth. Through this action, we create connections and bring some hope to those going through difficult times.


Distribution of Sleeping Bags

EIn winter, the survival of homeless people becomes even more fragile. Our volunteers, with the participation of committed young people, are mobilizing to distribute sleeping bags resistant to low temperatures, thus offering a minimum of protection and warmth to those who sleep outside. More than a simple gesture, this action embodies our solidarity with the most vulnerable. Thanks to the involvement of young people, each sleeping bag distributed becomes a symbol of support in the face of the harsh winter.


Stephenson Garden & Acacias Rest House: Moments of Sharing with Our Elders

Thanks to the Stephenson Garden & Acacias rest home initiative, our volunteers create moments of intergenerational sharing in a rest home for the elderly. Several times a year, they spend time with residents for friendly activities: cooking, board games, walks and discussions. These moments help break the isolation of seniors and create human connections. For our volunteers, these meetings are essential because they strengthen the social fabric and enrich both young people and elders through authentic exchanges.


Blood Drive: An Act of Solidarity 

In partnership with, CréACtions, Agir Ensemble organizes, with the support of the Red Cross, a blood drive once a year. This initiative is essential because every donation helps save lives and meets the urgent needs of hospitals and patients. Each donation is an act of solidarity that can make a difference in the event of a medical emergency. By participating in these collections, our volunteers and donors contribute directly to supporting the health system and saving lives. Croix Rouge, une collecte de sang une fois par an. Cette initiative est essentielle, car chaque don aide à sauver des vies et répond aux besoins urgents des hôpitaux et des patients. Chaque don est un acte de solidarité qui peut faire la différence en cas d’urgence médicale. En participant à ces collectes, nos bénévoles et donateurs contribuent directement à soutenir le système de santé et à sauver des vies.


Partenaires Locaux

Partenaires Locaux